The 3 Principles of Permaculture

Creating the conditions for real human security and environmental regeneration. The 3 Principles of Permaculture‍ are ...

The 3 Principles of Permaculture

The 3 Principles of Permaculture

Creating the conditions for real human security and environmental regeneration. 

A cup of coffee begins with the producer, the one who grows the beans. These beans travel across the world, are roasted and then served to customers. This distance tends to make us forget that there is a person – as well as a process – behind the product. The very quality of the bean itself is contingent upon the values put into growth of the bean. With permaculture, you not only get an earth-friendly coffee bean; you also get a more high quality coffee, too.

Permaculture: the future of our land

Permaculture is a holistic approach to managing land and resources, creating circular systems and promoting health and wellbeing for present and future generations. Made up of the words "permanent" and "culture", permaculture is really a countercultural movement to regenerate the environment, distribute resources and profits more fairly, and create positive economic value along the entire value chain. Let’s dive into these core ethics, one by one.

Three Ethics of Permaculture: 

  1. Care for the Earth

Work with nature rather than against it

A cup of coffee can overthrow the status quo, and it starts on the ground. By promoting permaculture principles we create systems that increase the quality of our coffee because they are resilient against pests and diseases, easier to manage and cultivate, and deliver a uniqueness of taste which is different to anything else on the planet. By designing coffee lots that promote regenerative agriculture, conservation of natural areas, reforestation, use of circular principles and more, we give to the land as much as it gives to us. We create the conditions for true environmental regeneration.   

  1. Care for the People

Create the conditions for real human security  

Not only is the land we use important, but so are the lives and wellbeing of those who live and work in it. Permaculture principles teach us to go back to ancestral traditions and get in touch with our connection with the natural world. A strong community, with strong links to the land, will ensure people can grow professionally, intellectually, and to let them live free from environmental risks, diseases, and pollution. Integrated interventions share education and training on the permaculture design and provide community-building activities and support. These activities completely revolutionize traditional agricultural practices. 

  1. Fair Share

Take only what you need.

We are here to create a fairer and more sustainable way of growing coffee that will respect the needs of all living beings. This means we place a focus on cooperation, community building and a more equal distribution of resources and profits. Viva Clandestino and its suppliers ensure that profit is shared along the entire supply chain, which contributes to a cup of coffee that guarantees environmental and social quality. This will contribute to a more fair industry, because it assures that the economic or social benefits along the value chain are more equally distributed - from producer all the way to the consumer.